iNTA 2019

Urban Tropicality – iNTA Conference 2019
The University of Queensland
5 to 8 December 2019
Urban Tropicality iNTA 2019 – Event Promotional Information
UF|CHU is a proud program partner for iNTA 2019, with Professor Nancy Clark serving on the Conference Steering Committee.
Urban Tropicality 2019 is the 7th meeting of the International Network of Tropical Architecture (iNTA) hosted for the first time by The University of Queensland. iNTA is a networking platform for international researchers and practitioners to collaborate and learn from each other about problems and solutions pertaining to architecture and urban design in the tropical (and sub-tropical) regions. The network addresses issues arising from the interaction between climatic and natural conditions of the tropical (and sub- tropical) regions and various local specifics of culture, urban fabric and technology in the formation of architectural and urban environments.
The Conference
The cities and urban centres of the tropics and sub-tropics are where the greatest challenges facing our collective future can be found. They are where the challenges of global warming, inequality and the migration of people fleeing political unrest or climate change are at their most extreme. The 2019 International Network of Tropical Architecture (iNTA) Conference provides a forum to discuss architectural and design solutions for a resilient, smart and just future for urban centres in the tropics. The 2019 iNTA Conference is hosted by the School of Architecture at The University of Queensland, located in Brisbane, capital city of the state of Queensland, Australia. Brisbane is proximate to both the fastest growing urban centres in Asia and many Small Island Developing States (SIDS) most at risk from climate change, including Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federal States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Niue and Tuvalu amongst others. Queensland’s most northern extremity, Cape York, sits at the confluence of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, those very same oceans that generate the weather systems that circle the globe and affect the destiny of millions of people.
Key Dates
- 17-May Abstracts due
- 31-May Notification: acceptance and feedback on abstracts
- 26-Jul Full text of paper due
- 6-Sep Notification: acceptance of papers
- 18-Oct Final paper due
- 5-8 Dec Conference
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