Proceedings, 6th International Network of Tropical Architecture Conference 2017: Tropical Storms as a Setting for Adaptive Development
ISBN 9781980443513
March 2017
Editors: Nawari Nawari and Nancy Clark
“Rising Waters and Coastal Port Cities: The Case of Miami”; PORTUS Plus Journal of RETE, N.7, May 2017, Year VII
(RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN: 2039-6422)
Awarded Best Paper.
Nancy Clark
Resource Guide Keeping Current: A Sea Level Rise Challenge for Greater Miami
(New York: Van Alen Institute), 2018 (online)
Co-Editor and Contributor as Research Chair: Nancy Clark
“Urban Waterways Program”,Proceedings UIA 2014 Durban “Architecture OtherWhere:Resilience, Ecolog, Values,
(ISBN 978-0-86970), August 2014
Guest Editor: Nancy Clark
“Concurso No. 16: Umbral de las Americas”, Arquine Publications; Mexico D.F. 2014; pgs. 29, 52,53
Nancy Clark
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Proceedings, Coastal and Internal Settlements: Adaptation to Climate Change, International Conference, Rome Italy
October 2016.
New Architecture Magazine (NA) Special Issue “Between City and Water: Architecture Landscape and Infrastructure”
New Architecture Magazine (Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Wuhan, Hubei province, China)
Guest Editors, N. Clark and M. Kohen
UNESCO Chair Publication Series #4 LADC L’architettura delle Citta: Sea Level Rise and the Future of our Coastal Settlements: Evolving Concepts in Urban and Cultural Adaptation to Changing Environments. (The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni; Roma)
UNESCO Chair Publication Series #3 LADC L’architettura delle Citta: Urban Waterways: Evolving Paradigms for Hydro-Based Urbanisms (The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni, Roma, 2016)
N. Clark Editor
Articles by M. Kohen and N. Clark
“Reconsidering the Tijuana River Canal: Three Scenarios for Action” in LADC L’architettura delle Citta: The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni, n. 3-4/2014 The City in the Evolutionary Age, pgs. 187-198 (ISSN 2281-8731), N. Clark
“The Future of the Hydrogenerated Metropolis: New Project for At-Risk Cities on the Water”; Coastal Cities and their Sustainable Future (WIT Press: Southampton UK, 2015), pg. 37-47. (ISSN: 978-1-84564-910-4, Digital ISSN: 978-1-84564-911-1), N. Clark
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