OTU 2018, XVI International Conference
“El ordenamiento territorial y el urbanismo en apoyo a la implementación de la Nueva Agenda Urbana y el desarrollo sostenible”
October 1st – 5th, 2018
Palacio de Convenciones
La Habana, Cuba
CHU Participants: Martha Kohen and Maria E. Barrios
Transportation Sector Solutions Team
“Leveraging Resources Today to Rebuild Puerto Rico’s Tomorrow”
July 26th, 2018
Puerto Rico Convention Center
San Juan, Puerto Rico
CHU Participants: Prof. Nancy Clark and Maria E. Barrios
Puerto Rico Puerto Ricans
“Resiliencia y Solidaridad: Encuentro con la Diaspora Conference”
Center for Puerto Rican Studies – Hunter College
June 15th, 2018
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto Rio Piedras
San Juan, Puerto Rico
CHU Participants: Prof. Martha Kohen and Maria E. Barrios
Puerto Rico Puerto Ricans
“Summit III Rebuild Puerto Rico Conference”
Center for Puerto Rican Studies – Hunter College
April 11 – 13th, 2018
New York
CHU Participants:
Resiliency and Design, Panelist: Martha Kohen and Nancy Clark
Academic and Civic Exchanges, Panelist: Maria E. Barrios
Puerto Rico Re_Start International Workshop
March 16 – 24th, 2018
University of Puerto Rico, Recinto Rio Piedras
San Juan, Puerto Rico
CHU Organized Workshop
18th National Council for Science and the Environment
“The Science, Business, and Education of Sustainable Infrastructure: Building Resilience in a Changing World., “Designing Urban Resilience beyond the Science: The Project of the Future”
January 24th, 2018
Washington DC
Nancy Clark Scientific Committee Member and Session Panel Moderator
Learn more
iNTA International Network for Tropical Architecture 2017 Conference
“Tropical Storms as a Setting for Adaptive Development and Architecture”
December 1-3, 2017
Gainesville Florida
CHU Conference Co-Organizers
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UF Law School Sea Level Rise Scenario Analysis Workshop
Florida Sea Grant Sponsored Project
January 20-21, 2017
CHU Participants: Profs. Nancy Clark and Martha Kohen
Congress XXXIV Environmental Day: Strategies of Adaptation to Climate Change
Accademia dei Lincei Rome
November 2016
Exhibition featuring project based research conducted by CHU
UNESCO Conference and Workshop Rome 2016
“Coastal and Internal Settlements Adaptation to Climate Change”
October 14th, 2016
La Sapienza University, Facolta di Architecttura, Piazza Borghese
CHU Conference Co-Organizer
UNESCO World Field Laboratory 2016
“Sea Level Rise and the Future of Coastal Urban Settlements: Evolving concepts in Urban and Cultural Adaptation to Changing Environments” February 28th – March 12 (New York, Miami, Gainesville) Program Host CHU in partnership with the UNESCO Chair in Urban Quality and Culture, notably in Africa
Florida 3.0 Reinventing Our Future
Exhibition and Symposia (Works by CHU members)
Miami Center for Architecture and Design
October 20-November 20, 2015
Curated by Nancy Clark
Vicenza 3.0: Refocusing the Rivers
Traveling Exhibition
Palazzo Cordellina and Vicenza Institute of Architecture (M. Kohen)
November –January 2015
Curated by Martha Kohen
Miami Futures Salon
Round Table Seminar
Miami Dade County Commissioners, Stephen P. Clark Government Center
Moderator: Daniella Levine Cave, Commissioner District 8 Miami
June 24th, 2015
CHU Presentations:
“Consortium for Hydro-Generated Urbanism”; M. Kohen
“Miami: Resiliency | Infrastructure”; N. Clark
The Hydro-generated Metropolis: New Projects on Urban Waterways
UIA 2014 Durban XXV World Congress Architecture OtherWhere: Resilience, Ecology, Values; August 3-7, 2014;
International Convention Center Durban South Africa;
M. Kohen and N. Clark, Curators; Exhibition Included current research on Urban Waterways in Florida, Mexico,
Slovenia, and Brazil (Nancy Clark, Lee Su Huang, Martha Kohen, and Albertus Wang)
UIA 2014 Durban South Africa World Congress
Congress Programme Partner International Conference Union Internationale des Architectes
Symposium: “Fluvial Urbanism: A Tale of Three Cities: São Paulo, Mexico City and Nantes”
Chair, Nancy Clark Session Moderators, Nancy Clark and Martha Kohen
August 4-5, 2014
Florida – São Paulo Dialogues Academic Workshop 2014
Professor Martha Kohen and Associate Professor Nancy Clark
Professor Alexandre Delijaicov and Professor Milton Braga
June 3rd-5th 2014 São Paulo, Brazil
The Florida-São Paulo Dialogues Project: Water and the Future City
Exhibition included current research on Urban Waterways in Florida and Brazil (CHU members)
Curated by Nancy Clark and Martha Kohen
June 2014
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo FAUUSP São Paulo Brazil
Proposal for Dechannelizing the Tijuana River, Tijuana Mexico: Arquine Umbral de las Americas
Art Center of Tijuana, Mexico
Exhibition of urban design proposals for Tijuana River Canal (N. Clark)
May-June 2014
Curated by Nancy Clark